When undergoing a profound transformation of his body, or they hide under false nose to stay in an aesthetic standard, we assume the difference. The LyX project exposes the variety of artistic and erotic visions of a female body, Lyx, become bald and asymmetrical. The aesthetics of the stigma became pride expressed in the benevolent gaze of the other. Here is another artist or viewer.
In Erosticraty, there is no room for misery and there is no question of seeking the tears of the beholder. We want to rock'n roll, surprise and joy. Beyond the art, this project questions the place of the standard and the definition of aesthetics in contemporary society.
The model, Marie Albatrice of the Erosticraty lent her body to several artists and several forms of expression : painting, drawing, photography, video. French, German or Belgian artists have taken the subject and gave free rein to their fantasy.
Lyx the project was already exhibited
at Xplore Paris from 27-31th August 2013 (Micadanses),
Festival Souterrain Porte VII 6-28th of september 2013,
Festival Super Eros à Lyon 16-22nd February 2014.
Some pieces of Lyx were exhibited during famous parisians events in 2013 and 2014 at Parisphoto (Grand Palais), Foto fever (Carrousel du Louvre), Octobre rose (Conciergerie and Hotel de Sully)...